Hi there, i'm Felix, also known as my alias 'philia'. I made ceruleantrigger to make myself happy by filling in the gap between my love for old web design and fashion design. These aesthetics include visual kei, gothic, and vintage. Please enjoy this small project of mine while I finish philia995 v6. :)

What is cerulean trigger?
Cerulean~trigger is a project designed by me to incorparate my love for fashion design and aesthetics into my website without changing the original layout, I did this to have both of my favorite things in one. Ceruleantrigger is meant to be an alternative to my main layout, if you like it more than this could be considered the homepage of philia995.com for you. I plan to make more pages for this layout in the future, so look out for those.

Social media is where creativity goes to die, the internet is bland and minimalistic. Creating personal sites can go against this normality, bring back the creative web. Quote Moonview "Modern social networks are where creativity, nuance and empathy go to die! you can't do anything interesting with them beyond begging people to reblog/retweet/retoot/like/share the next random wall of text! social media is bad for artists, writers and so many other types of creators! NOAGARDEN exists so that i can have a space that is completely my own, away from that mess." This website is happy hosted by Neocities

Felix's status
Email me at 1.800.philia@gmail.com
[3/09/04] new layout ---
i havent edited my cloud strife shrine since i made it so i thought id give it a new layout :)

[1/18/04] philia995.com v5! -
after a trecherous 5 months i finally finished the new version. leave as much feedback as youd like.

[9/28/03] fixed page ---
polished up my game collection, where i track & review various games i'm playing/played. WIP

[8/27/03] new page ---
added link me, a page dedicated to all of the buttons, blinkies, banners, etc that i made for my website which are free to use to link back to my site.

[8/7/03] philia995.com v4! ---
brand new homepage, cleaner due to my better coding skills. hope everyone enjoys.

[7/3/03] philia's blog ---
finally made a blog. read my first entry now!

[7/3/03] new page ---
added my resources page. dedicated to my favorite sites i get my resources from.

old updates

finished cd collection page 6/30

finished new library page 6/29

finished game collection page 5/20

finished brand new index 4/18

philia995.com v3! 3/23

finished new webmaster page 3/3

finished ren honjo shrine 2/25

new home page 2/20

philia995.com v2! 1/31

finished about_me page 1/31

finished cloud strife shrine 1/27

Cloud Strife protects this site
Felix's newest blog post
When in highschool, drama is inevitable. Even for someone like me, who sticks out a little..... continue reading
Website of the month
Website of the month for April is cocopie!
Character of the month
Character of the month for April is
Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy VII!
Cloud Strife fansite
Check out my Cloud Strife fansite (made by yours truly) - WIP
Mooface's button foggybear42 cabbagesorter jorts on neocities sweetheartmemory kwaamfan bunny hidingspot