Welcome to my website ♡ This is my little corner of the web, whatever interests me goes straight to here. I am a webmaster, artist, culinary student, and fashion designer. I take passion in web graphics as well as the late 90s to early 2000s web genre. This site is meant to be a collage of my dreams, thoughts, art, and design. While you're here, say hi to Lucy the cat! She follows your cursor~
Creativity is not something we see anymore on the internet, and in real life. I like to think of myself, and have been told by others, that i'm "stuck in the 2000's-2010's". Social media wasn't the same then, every app was different and used differently, there was color, happiness. Neocities is a tool people like me use to continue on that same creativity once on the old internet. Teach yourself HTML/CSS, make some cds, get physical media, go to a bookstore, not everything is meant to be online; especially not grey and corporate. Be creative. What's the point of the internet if you can't just connect with people? No influencers, no judgement, just you and your life.

Welcome to my website ♡ This is my little corner of the web, whatever interests me goes straight to here. I am a webmaster, artist, culinary student, and fashion designer. I take passion in web graphics as well as the late 90s to early 2000s web genre. This site is meant to be a collage of my dreams, thoughts, art, and design. While you're here, say hi to Lucy the cat! She follows your cursor~

Creativity is not something we see anymore on the internet, and in real life. I like to think of myself, and have been told by others, that i'm "stuck in the 2000's-2010's". Social media wasn't the same then, every app was different and used differently, there was color, happiness. Neocities is a tool people like me use to continue on that same creativity once on the old internet. Teach yourself HTML/CSS, make some cds, get physical media, go to a bookstore, not everything is meant to be online; especially not grey and corporate. Be creative. What's the point of the internet if you can't just connect with people? No influencers, no judgement, just you and your life.