Welcome to my website ♡ This is my little corner of the web, whatever interests me goes straight to here. I am a webmaster, video creator, culinary student, and fashion designer. I take passion in web graphics as well as the late 90s to early 2000s web genre. Feel free to check out my YouTube channel for some of my content.
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Quote Moonview (Formally known as NOAGARDEN) "Modern social networks are where creativity, nuance and empathy go to die! you can't do anything interesting with them beyond begging people to reblog/retweet/retoot/like/share the next random wall of text! social media is bad for artists, writers and so many other types of creators! NOAGARDEN (as well as philia995) exists so that i can have a space that is completely my own, away from that mess." I agree with them and I wish that eventually corporate internet will no longer be popular and that people will go back to the old way the internet once was. Neocities also supports this cause, which is why I use it as a way to build my own site.
Welcome to my website ♡ This is my little corner of the web, whatever interests me goes straight to here. I am a webmaster, video creator, culinary student, and fashion designer. I take passion in web graphics as well as the late 90s to early 2000s web genre. Feel free to check out my YouTube channel for some of my content.
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Quote Moonview (Formally known as NOAGARDEN) "Modern social networks are where creativity, nuance and empathy go to die! you can't do anything interesting with them beyond begging people to reblog/retweet/retoot/like/share the next random wall of text! social media is bad for artists, writers and so many other types of creators! NOAGARDEN (as well as philia995) exists so that i can have a space that is completely my own, away from that mess." I agree with them and I wish that eventually corporate internet will no longer be popular and that people will go back to the old way the internet once was. Neocities also supports this cause, which is why I use it as a way to build my own site.