July 3 2003
Today I spent the day inside with my cat. I've been thinking a lot about Sam (my desceased cat that passed not too long ago) so I was pretty jaded because of that. My other cat Summer kept me company and I mostly ended up just coding this entire page in a few hours as well as making some graphics and such to get my mind off things. I also like to listen to video essays or music while I work so I'll give whoever is reading this a quick song rec.
Hardly ever smile (without you) by Poison Girl Friend. I recently starting getting into her music because I like listening to her voice. I was thinking about going somewhere maybe sometime this week. I really want to get out of the house because it's not really helping me mentally so I was thinking of going "downtown" of my town because theres lots of little shops there I like to explore. Besides that it's also been pretty hot which is why I haven't being going out much but I think it'll end up going anyways maybe on a cloudy day. Wow, as I'm writing this i'm realizing how relaxed blogging makes me. Anyways, to whoever is reading this thank you for taking the time out of your day to hear about mine. I love you all.