♱ Cloud Strife is seen in a plethora of media within Square Enix & other companies. Some of my favorites are FFVII Crisis Core, Kingdom Hearts, Dissidia, & Mobius Final Fantasy.
♱ He will always be my favorite character out of every media, not just a favorite but more than that. Cloud Strife is described as quiet, awkward, avoidant, lonely, etc. He battles with many things, including PTSD and Geostigma later on in
FFVIIAD. Cloud puts on a 'tough guy' persona around others, while being softer deep down; in the first game, he is presented as a cocky and headstrong merc, when really he's like an awkward teenage boy, in that way I related to him at first.
I will continue to dedicate my life and time to Cloud Strife, as he has made a very positive impact on my mental health.